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Foodie Chick
Foodie Chick
Foodie Chick
Foodie Chick
  • Foodie Chick
  • Foodie Chick
  • Foodie Chick
  • Foodie Chick


Foodie Chick

Regular price $11.99
Regular price Sale price $11.99
Low Stock Out of Stock


Celebrate the start of a bright new day with the arrival of these whimsically coloured springtime babies! Nothing is more endearing than watching a new batch of tiny chicks peeping and snuggling together and our little plush cheepers are as adorable as they come!  Complete with tiny wings, bright black eyes, an itty bitty beak and soft little feet. Bring home this enduring symbol of new life and fresh beginnings.

Sold separately - Assorted styles available


Product type: 302 Easter
Vendor: Douglas