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schleich BAYALA Mandala Unicorn Mare
  • schleich BAYALA Mandala Unicorn Mare


Mandala Unicorn Mare Figure

Regular price $21.99
Regular price Sale price $21.99
Only 1 Left Out of Stock


The mandala unicorn mare causes many astonished looks in bayala®, because she is a colorful magical creature. Her beautiful mandala marking is a magic circle, which is a sign of her mystical origin. The marking of the mandala unicorn mare is mysteriously pink in the middle. The mare is a very elegant appearance. Her warm heart makes her the perfect mummy for her small, wild mandala unicorn foal. The new, colorful mandala unicorn family can be recognized by their unique mandala markings. They live together and secluded in the vastness of the colorful mandala hills of bayala.
6,3 x 1,38 x 4,33 inch (W x D x H)
Age Recommendation
5-12 years


Vendor: Schleich