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Unicorn Glitterluck - Cloud Stacking Game
Unicorn Glitterluck - Cloud Stacking Game
Unicorn Glitterluck - Cloud Stacking Game
Unicorn Glitterluck - Cloud Stacking Game
  • Unicorn Glitterluck - Cloud Stacking Game
  • Unicorn Glitterluck - Cloud Stacking Game
  • Unicorn Glitterluck - Cloud Stacking Game
  • Unicorn Glitterluck - Cloud Stacking Game


Unicorn Glitterluck Cloud Stacking

Regular price $24.99
Regular price Sale price $24.99
Only 8 Left Out of Stock


Ages: 4-99
    Players: 1-4
    Game Length: 15 minutes 

The five little unicorns Glitterluck, Rosalie, Marvel Flower, Magic Swirl, and Stardust live in a beautiful cloud castle. Every day, friends come to visit them; there are always many visitors and a lot going on and the castle is running out of space. Using many clouds and a little bit of magic, the unicorns gradually add more turrets to their castle. The object of the game is to collect the 10 pink crystals, stack the clouds and the unicorns on the castle in order to house all the unicorns in their new home!

• Cooperative; player rolls the die and moves Rosalie forward the corresponding number of tiles in a clockwise direction, star: fly to any tile.
• Stack the cloud shown or any unicorn, or place crystal in the recess.
• Parts fall down: put the fallen clouds and unicorns back into the stockpile, collected crystals stay where they are, and turn over a tile with a blue or white cloud: Sun = that’s lucky, thunderstorm = look out!
• Players win when all unicorns + Rosalie are stacked and all 10 crystals have been collected. They lose when the third thunderstorm tile has been turned over.


  • 4 unicorns (Glitterluck-hot pink, Stardust-yellow, Marvel Flower-purple and Magic Swirl-turquoise)
  • 1 baby unicorn (Rosalie-pink) 
  • 1 cloud castle 
  • 5 large white clouds 
  • 5 small blue clouds 
  • 1 die 
  • 1 cloud board game 
  • 16 double sided cloud tiles 
  • 10 cloud crystals 
  • 1 set of instructions 


Vendor: HABA USA